03 Mar, 2025

Is Spirituality Completely Separate from Sanatan Dharm

To comprehend the complex relationship between spirituality and religion, define each term. Spirituality is the search for meaning, purpose, and connection beyond the material world. However, religion is a system of beliefs, rituals, and practices centered on a deity. Thinkers, theologians, and seekers have debated whether spirituality can be separated from religion for millennia. When […]

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The beautiful philosophy of Manasa, Vacha, and Karmana

Mahabharat, encapsulates a profound philosophical concept through the Sanskrit shlok: “कर्मणा मनसा वापि वाचा वापि परंतप / यन मे कृतं बराह्मणेषु तेनाद्य न तपाम्य अहम.” Bhishma said this on the bed of arrows, which translates as “I am not performing penance today for what I have done is according to mind, speech and karm” ‘Manasa, […]

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