03 Mar, 2025

Indians hating Indian culture and identity?

This is a question that has been troubling me for many days now. I see a few people routinely write anti-Indian posts day after day. It could be ignored or thought of as an aberration for a few times, but, if someone does it for months on end, you start thinking about it. I think […]

2 mins read

Shastrarth, which literally means “debate on scriptures,”….

Shastrarth, which literally means “debate on scriptures,” was a popular method of discourse in ancient India. It was a way for scholars to engage in intellectual debates and discussions on various philosophical and religious topics, often using scriptural texts as a basis for their arguments. Shastrarth was a common practice among scholars and religious leaders. […]

3 mins read

There is no Ganges in India!!

The Ganga flows through most of India, energizing its heart. Its name changed with time and worldwide trade. The Ganges is the river’s French name worldwide. This seemingly little adjustment underscores India’s ongoing efforts to accommodate its foreign neighbors, even if it means compromising its culture. This is not limited to river names. The practicing […]

2 mins read