03 Mar, 2025

Selfishness and Lower Planes of Existence

Typically, selfishness is viewed as a negative trait that can lead to lower planes of existence. In numerous spiritual traditions, such as those found in Indian scriptures and literature, focusing on others and practicing altruism is regarded as a superior level of existence. In Hinduism, for instance, liberation (moksha) from the cycle of birth and […]

2 mins read

The beautiful philosophy of Manasa, Vacha, and Karmana

Mahabharat, encapsulates a profound philosophical concept through the Sanskrit shlok: “कर्मणा मनसा वापि वाचा वापि परंतप / यन मे कृतं बराह्मणेषु तेनाद्य न तपाम्य अहम.” Bhishma said this on the bed of arrows, which translates as “I am not performing penance today for what I have done is according to mind, speech and karm” ‘Manasa, […]

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