Knowledge gives us humbleness…..
1 min read

Knowledge gives us humbleness…..

विद्यां ददाति विनयं,
विनयाद्याति पात्रताम् ।
पात्रत्वात् धनमाप्नोति,
धनात् धर्मं ततः सुखम् ॥

विद्या विनय देती है, विनय से पात्रता आती है, पात्रता से धन आता है, धन से धर्म होता है, और धर्म से सुख प्राप्त होता है।

Knowledge gives us humbleness, humbleness gives us eligibility, eligibility gives us wealth, and wealth gives us dharm, dharm gives us happiness.

Read it again and evaluate the chain of causation. Present day world has got it all topsy-turvy.

We Indians were also taught extreme austerity and extreme tolerance.

That as you can see is not true at all. The value of money in the chain of life is well established in this shlok from ‘Hitopadesh’

Also, note that you need to be dharmic (religious) to be happy. There is no confusion in my mind about what Dharm means. We are of course talking of Sanatan Dharm here.

Even more noteworthy is the importance of humbleness in this chain. Knowledge is worthless if you are not humble.

Think it through and imbibe it in your life.

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#Hitopadesh #SanatanDharm #VidyaToSukh #KnowledgePower #Humbleness #EligibilityWealth #DharmicLife #HappinessJourney #SpiritualWealth #IndianWisdom #AusterityInLife #PhilosophicalDepth