03 Mar, 2025

The Chakras in Indian Scriptures: A Journey Through Cosmic Energy Centers

Chakras are strongly rooted in Indian philosophy and spirituality. The Sanskrit word ‘chakra’ means ‘wheel’ or ‘disk,’ symbolizing the spine’s spinning energy centers. Indian classics like the Vedas, Upanishads, and Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras mention these chakras. Traditionalists identify seven major chakras, but interpretations vary. Root Chakra: MuladharaMuladhara, at the base of the spine, underpins us. […]

2 mins read

Turiya State: The Ultimate Consciousness In Indian Philosophy (Part 2)

The exploration of Turiya, the fourth state of consciousness in Indian spiritual philosophy, is a profound journey deeply rooted in the Vedantic tradition. Turiya transcends the common states of waking, dreaming, and deep sleep, representing a state of pure consciousness beyond sensory experience and mental constructs. The Mandukya Upanishad describes ‘AUM’, and associates its components […]

2 mins read